Corporate Sponsorship
Our main aim is to provide a Trexo for Jamie and give him the best chance at taking independent steps and gaining his own independence. We also want to give others the same opportunities. By highlighting the technology Trexo provides, we hope to educate other parents to the options available to them.
The Trexo we hope to provide for Jamie will go to another child after 3 years, in this time he will have fulfilled his potential and will hopefully be taking independent steps. With your help, we aim to provide a fund for parents to have access to over time. We would hope to help them to purchase their own Trexo, or when finished their treatment train a new child in the same machine to start their treatment plan. This will be a lifelong sponsorship plan, as each Trexo we can provide will change the lives of ten children in the next 30 years, and give them their best chance at life.